Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to visitors to, its owners and managers. We ensure that our users’ data is kept secure and protected. This policy covers all information that we may collect from or provide to users in the course of their interaction with the website.

The principles and measures we follow to ensure privacy:

1.1 We reserve the right to modify and supplement the terms of this policy in accordance with applicable law. Any changes are activated from the moment they are posted on the web resource.

1.2 We process users’ personal data respecting their rights and use only lawful methods. The information collected is used strictly for its intended purpose and only to the extent necessary.

1.3 During the processing of data, we apply organizational and technical measures for its reliable protection, adhering to all relevant legal standards.

1.4 We do not accept responsibility for the information you provide on other websites, even if you have followed links or recommendations on our website.

2. What information we collect

2.1 When users visit our website, we collect data including the IP addresses of the technical devices used to access the website. Of interest is browser information and statistics on user preferences on this website. Technical tools such as cookies are used for these activities.

2.2 We may also receive additional personal information about you that you voluntarily provide in the course of communicating with us. This applies to any method of communication between a visitor and the administration.

3. Protection of user data

3.1 Personal user data is protected by technical and organizational precautions. All data are stored on secure servers. Only representatives of the site administration have access to them. The protection includes protocols aimed at excluding intended interference for data modification by third parties.

4. User rights

4.1 The user has the right to visit the website without time restrictions. They may also use the information published on the pages of for their own benefit. They may pass on the public data obtained from us to third parties.

4.2 You also have the right to make inquiries about the information we hold about you and to request that this information be amended or deleted. We have the right to consider the request, refuse it or comply with it in accordance with the law. If the request is refused, we will explain the reason for the refusal.

4.3 Any user of our website has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority if they are dissatisfied with our decision or response, or with the way their data is processed.

5. How users’ personal information is used

5.1 We process your personal data in accordance with personal data protection legislation. Such processing is necessary for the complete process of providing our services in the area for which our website is intended to operate. It may also be subject to regulatory or legal obligations.

5.2 Processing may be carried out with the consent of the user or if the systematization of this information is in the legitimate interests of the website owner. All these actions are possible provided that the freedoms, interests and rights of the user are not infringed.

6. Data we collect

6.1 When you interact with our website, we record the IP addresses of users’ devices, as well as information about the browser used and activity on the website. Cookies are used to collect this information.

6.2 In the course of communicating with us, users may provide additional personal data. This applies to all forms of communication with our team.

7. Data security measures

7.1 Users’ personal information is reliably protected by our technical and organizational measures. All collected data is stored on secure servers to which only members of our team have access. We use security systems to prevent unauthorized access to data.

8. User rights and facilities

8.1 Visitors are free to use and benefit from our website. They also have the right to share information obtained from us with third parties.

8.2 Users have the right to request information about themselves from us and to ask for it to be corrected or deleted. We consider such requests in accordance with the law, and if we refuse, we will explain the reasons.

8.3 If users do not agree with our decision or actions, they may file a complaint with the data protection regulators.

9. Use of user information

9.1 We process personal data in accordance with privacy laws. This is necessary for the quality provision of services specific to our resource and may also be due to legal requirements.

10.2 Data processing may take place with the consent of the user or where it is in our legitimate interests. In doing so, we always consider the rights and interests of the users.

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